About Our Church
St. Michael’s is a joyful, open-hearted community of God’s people, living and worshiping in the Episcopal tradition.
We come seeking to become, more and more, followers of Jesus.
We come seeking to be changed by our encounter with Jesus in Word and Sacrament—as we hear and respond to Scripture and gather around the Lord’s Table. We have different backgrounds, different journeys, and stand in different places in life. We are young, old and everything in between. But we see Christ in one other, and we walk together, praying for and encouraging each other.
We trust that God loves all creation.
It was love that motivated God the Father to send his Son to live and die as one of us. It was God’s love that Jesus offered His disciples to guide their lives and relationships. It was God’s love that the saints proclaimed to with their lives and their deaths, and that later Christian mystics found at the heart of everything. And it is love that motivates our worship, and sends us out into our city and our world as witnesses and workers .